Merchant Information

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    Preferred Merchant
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  • Primary Category: Women
  • Primary Country: United States
  • Ships To: USA, Canada, Australia
  • Add'l Payment Methods: Paypal


FMTC ID Network (ID)
37006 RA (43625)

Product Feed

Include FMTC ID Network ID
Click here to learn more about FMTC's Product Feed. 37006 43625

Program Information

Manager Name: Jillian Neal
Manager Email:
Supports Deeplinking: Yes
Public Commission Rate: 6%
Ad Copy Restrictions: Yes
Display URL Restrictions: Yes
Competitors Allowed On Landing Page: No
PPC Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Trademark Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Trademark + Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Policy Message: Bidding is not permitted on the Tory Burch trademark, or any variation or misspelling of the trademark. Direct linking on any of our branded terms or variation (including misspellings) is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: Tory Burch,, Tory Birch, Tori Burch, and Tori Birch

Recommended SEM Bidding KeywordsHigh performing keywords that publishers are permitted to bid on for their search marketing campaigns.
clothing, apparel, tunics, tops, sweaters, dresses, skirts, denim, pants, shorts, jackets, outerwear, shoes, flats, flip flops, heels, sandals, handbags, jewelry, accessories
Email Marketing Allowed: No
Email Marketing Policy Message: Email promotion is prohibited, unless all contents are pre-approved by Tory Burch prior to mailing.
Social Media Marketing Allowed: No
Social Media Policy Message: Not allowed - Social Media posts are prohibited, unless copy is pre-approved by Tory Burch prior to posting.

Network Permissions and Restrictions

Description Status Information Type
Deeplinking Allowed? Yes Program Information
Last Updated: 2020-02-06 15:58:27

This information is provided by the affiliate networks and is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate when posted but is subject to change at any time. Please refer to the affiliate networks for complete details on this program's permissions and restrictions.


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